이달의 태을주 | 만사무기 태을주

[이달의 성구]

萬事無忌(만사무기) 태을주
萬病通治(만병통치) 태을주
所願成就(소원성취) 태을주
布德天下(포덕천하) 태을주
廣濟蒼生(광제창생) 태을주
萬事如意(만사여의) 태을주
無窮無窮(무궁무궁) 태을주

The Taeeulju Mantra resolves all hindrances.
The Taeeulju Mantra vanquishes all illnesses.
The Taeeulju Mantra fulfills all wishes.
The Taeeulju Mantra spreads the teachings throughout the world.
The Taeeulju Mantra delivers the world`s people.
The Taeeulju Mantra actualizes all that is willed.
The Taeeulju Mantra`s power of creation-transformation is boundless and eternal.
(증산도 성전 4:27:5)